Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Feminist Speculative Fiction: Publications on the horizon

The folks over at The Future Fire have announced that they plan to publish an issue dedicated to feminist speculative fiction in late 2009 early 2010. The announcement is included in a thought provoking editorial that opens their current issue.
The writer notes a instance of the feminist backlash running into spec fic culture last year where a podcast was charged with sexism for publishing feminist content.
While it certainly speaks volumes for the impact of the feminist movement for there to be a backlash againist it (moral panics aside, people generally don't complain against movements that aren't impacting), it fails to negate the need and importance for the continued exploration of gender as a subject of speculation.
Feminist speculative fiction is certainly starting to build a history. From MZB to Terry Pratchett, speculative fiction continues to explore the role of gender in our society through other mediums that allows for the imagination of different ways of being. Read the editorial; The Future Fire has written an eloquent statement of the genre, reducing the need to reproduce one here.


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